Board :Community
Author :Archon Primogen Alilolelotte
Subject :Happy Holidays!
Date :12/20
Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you for joining us in another year of our traditional Santa Mhul / Lasahn / ChaeRi event.

<b>General notes:
*1 gift per person
<b>*have two empty inventory slots available to receive your <b>gift

1. Snowmen are located at the each of the Kingdom gates and Tangun.
-->  Click to proceed!

2. You will be teleported to the "Cold Snowy Maze"
  (no worries, it is condensed ;)
--> Stand before the snowmen to proceed.

<b> CTRL + R often
If there are people that appear to be blocking your way, you may need to refresh your screen (CTRL +R). If CTRL+R doesn't clear them, then you may be possibly dealing with an annoyance. /report to inform us. We have coal.

3. The snowmen will teleport you to "Frozen Walk." Stand before the next snowman who will then teleport you to the royals' "Holiday Workshop"

4. Walk northward, and stand before the Royal to receive your gift (don't forget to thank them for your time!).
  If a Helper (NPC) is present instead, click on him.

On behalf of the Archon Staff and KRU, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year =)

A Special thank you to the Kingdom Ministries for snow ballin' >=)